Charming Dreadlocks

Dreadlocks : In our Hindu culture dreadlocks are known as "Jata". By this, the next thing comes to the mind is Jata dhari Shiva, Why so ? ((according to mythology) because Lord Shiva has this dreadlocks piled up like a Pyramid where he Captures River Ganges & Controls her so that she can't destroy earth. 
You will see many Shiva followers "Sadhu & Sadhvi (holy men & women)"  in this look, especially during "Simhastha Fair", where Aghori Sadhus gather to have bath in Sacred river.

Well that was all about its origin (as far as i know), Dreadlocks are now part of  many other cultures mainly in Hippies, Punks & now a days in Travelers also...Its a Fashion thing now.


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